Monday, January 29, 2018

Steps to create an effective social media strategy

If you’re a business, social media is a vital tool to reach and engage with your target audiences. The issue, though, is that creating and managing a social media strategy can feel like a daunting undertaking. Where should we set up accounts? How often should we post? Do I need to respond to customers? Often, marketers get bogged down in the logistics of running social media accounts that they lose sight of the purpose of their social media strategy. In this post we’ll answer some of the basic, but critical questions to setting up, and managing, a comprehensive social media strategy. If at any point in these steps you question whether you’ll be able to manage these components, then you may not be equipped to manage an effective social media strategy.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Page views per visit: How engaged are your visitors

Some web metrics are evolutions of each other. Visits and page views are foundational web analytics that are critical to understand, with pages per visit/session as an evolution of visits and page views, and referral paths and goals as a “final” evolution of those foundational metrics. Think of these three metrics as all relating to understanding whether or not your target audiences are reaching your desired pages/steps online. In this blog post, we’ll examine page views per visit and how it can be applied to achieving your business objectives.

How to leverage website referral traffic

An important way to ensure that organizations are maximizing their web analytics capabilities is by focusing on the ways that metrics can be applied to measuring the effectiveness of business objectives. The first two blog posts will feature two common web metrics and how to apply them in business scenario. The first post is on Website referral traffic.

Analytics tools: Don't just stop with Google

When organizations start out with their web analytics plan they start at the basics: Google Analytics. The basics are great, nothing wro...

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